
Henry Ho: Contempt for judicial independence inflicts great harm on rule of law

To all Hong Kong law students, read all of your British textbooks on Law 101 with caution — the very country which invented common law has exerted undue pressure on […]

Henry Ho: Institutional advantages are key to defeating COVID-19

Hong Kong’s COVID-19 cases have skyrocketed since the Lunar New Year. It is heartbreaking to learn of the passing away of hundreds of our citizens, including […]

Henry Ho: Snow games can deepen trust between China and the world

After 14 years, Beijing is playing host to the Olympic Games again. While most Olympic cities in the world suffered staggering financial losses, or were plagued […]

Henry Ho: Democracy. . . but for whom?

Henry Ho rebuts an editorial in the Economist on democracy in Hong Kong I REFER TO THE article “Pliant patriots” in the Leaders Section of The […]