
Henry Ho: Narratives on China’s development prejudiced

This month, The Economist […]


《經濟學人》上周發表的文章《中國的重啟是一場冒險》, […]

Henry Ho: Political interference threatens academic freedom at America’s elite universities

Prestigious Harvard Univer […]

Henry Ho: New milestone in district council elections heralds better governance

The 2023 District Council […]


香港再出發大聯盟與Friday Culture合辦的 […]

Henry Ho: BRI achievements point to bright prospects in next decade

The Belt and Road Initiati […]

Henry Ho: Giant technopole to drive HK’s I&T development

Hong Kong has set its sigh […]


2023年8月3日,創辦人兼主席何建宗博士和同事們參 […]

Henry Ho:Henry Kissinger – A century of efforts in promoting world peace

On May 27, Henry Kissinger […]