

近日,律政司宣布成立「粵港澳大灣區專責小組」,以深化 […]

Henry Ho: HKSAR govt tasked to enhance national security education

It has been more than two […]


2023年2月5日,本智庫副主席甘文鋒接受TVB無線 […]

本智庫參加《跨越 2030 年的鐵路及主要幹道策略性研究》專場諮詢會議

2023年2月2日,本智庫受到運輸及物流局、路政署及 […]

Henry Ho: Zheng’s appointment turns a new page for Hong Kong

Zheng Yanxiong, former dir […]

Henry Ho: Resumption of quarantine-free travel boosts HK’s integration into nation

As Lunar New Year approach […]

Henry Ho: EDB’s guidelines on teachers’ conduct are timely, necessary

The Education Bureau recen […]

Henry Ho: Google is obliged to ensure its search engine returns accurate information

I refer to The Wall Street […]


香港法治再次處於風又浪尖。普通法窮盡時,人大釋法出場 […]