
Henry Ho: World-class talent drive crucial to Hong Kong’s future

Hong Kong has taken a huge […]


香港再出發大聯盟與Friday Culture合辦的 […]

Henry Ho: China takes bold strides on own path of modernization

Modernization has been the […]

Kam Man-fung: Inno-tech hub key to realizing nation’s second-centenary goal

The nation’s 14th Five-Yea […]

Henry Ho: Pragmatism key to maintaining sound Sino-British relationship

It is without doubt that l […]

Kam Man-fung: New administration on track to achieve good governance

Bracing for a sixth wave o […]

Henry Ho: Think tanks have bigger role to play in HK’s future

As Hong Kong celebrates th […]


英國《經濟學人》在最新一期雜誌以「保持中立,熱愛黨」 […]

Henry Ho: Contempt for judicial independence inflicts great harm on rule of law

To all Hong Kong law stude […]