"Cross-border Portability of Social Security in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area"
This study was conducted through survey and focus group interviews in Guangzhou, Foshan, Huizhou, and Hong Kong from June to December 2019. It aims at analysing the current status and plans of elderly residents in Hong Kong, Mainland communities and Mainland nursing homes. The study focused on their needs of cross-border welfare and the willingness and evaluation of urban elderly care in the GBA ; reviewed the current status, characteristics and difficulties of social security cross-border portability in Guangdong and Hong Kong; and provided policy recommendations for improving cross-border welfare policy in the Greater Bay Area. For the Executive Summary, please click here (Chinese Only)
This study was conducted through survey and focus group interviews in Guangzhou, Foshan, Huizhou, and Hong Kong from June to December 2019. It aims at analysing the current status and plans of elderly residents in Hong Kong, Mainland communities and Mainland nursing homes. The study focused on their needs of cross-border welfare and the willingness and evaluation of urban elderly care in the GBA ; reviewed the current status, characteristics and difficulties of social security cross-border portability in Guangdong and Hong Kong; and provided policy recommendations for improving cross-border welfare policy in the Greater Bay Area. For the Executive Summary, please click here (Chinese Only)

"One Country Two Systems Youth Forum" has released the first report of “ Employment Prospects of Hong Kong graduates from Mainland universities, ”, and released Hong Kong's first “ Salary Index of Hong Kong Graduates from Mainland Universities” and the “ Index of Willingness to Develop in Greater Bay Area” . This research was conducted from November 2018 to January 2019 through an online questionnaire. The interviews were conducted with Hong Kong students graduated in Mainland universities who have graduated for 0 to 5 years. A total of 317 valid questionnaires were collected, and covered nearly one tenth of the yearly total of graduates.
The survey covered 63 universities in 12 provinces, and 5 focus groups were held in Hong Kong, Beijing and Guangzhou to collect view from graduates in several mainstream disciplines such as finance, law, and medicine.
For a summary of the research report, please click here (Chinese Only)
For the full report, please click here (Chinese Only)
Press release for research report conference, please click here (Chinese Only)
The survey covered 63 universities in 12 provinces, and 5 focus groups were held in Hong Kong, Beijing and Guangzhou to collect view from graduates in several mainstream disciplines such as finance, law, and medicine.
For a summary of the research report, please click here (Chinese Only)
For the full report, please click here (Chinese Only)
Press release for research report conference, please click here (Chinese Only)

"A Comparative Study of Promoting Constitution and Basic Law to Civil Servants and Youths between Hong Kong and Macao”
This study aimed at understanding and comparing the status of constitution and basic law education in the two SARs. Also, the study has given suggestions for improving publicity and education on both the basic law and the constitution for civil servants and young people. For a summary of the research report, please click here (Chinese Only)
This study aimed at understanding and comparing the status of constitution and basic law education in the two SARs. Also, the study has given suggestions for improving publicity and education on both the basic law and the constitution for civil servants and young people. For a summary of the research report, please click here (Chinese Only)

" Research on Issues of Studying and Working of Hong Kong People in the Mainland ”
This study was conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou from May to October 2017. The purpose was to understand the treatment of local Hong Kong students and employees due to their Hong Kong identity, and propose policy recommendations. A total of 1154 online questionnaires were collected, covering 40 universities in the three cities. The study also invited more than 100 Hong Kong people to take part in the focus groups and interviews, which was by far the largest study of the same topic. For the full report, please click here (Chinese Only)
This study was conducted in Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou from May to October 2017. The purpose was to understand the treatment of local Hong Kong students and employees due to their Hong Kong identity, and propose policy recommendations. A total of 1154 online questionnaires were collected, covering 40 universities in the three cities. The study also invited more than 100 Hong Kong people to take part in the focus groups and interviews, which was by far the largest study of the same topic. For the full report, please click here (Chinese Only)